Sunday, April 10, 2016

The body’s a pot And the mind is the cream

Source (Verse 127)

Translation (Source)
The body’s a pot And the mind is the cream
Three milkmaids are churning.
 From time to time They throw in the lord’s name.

Seeing that she’s got the butter, Seeing that the pot is smashed, The dairy-wife, Kabir says, Rejoices.

In the original, the three milkmaids are called Ila [Ida], Pingala, and Sukhman [Sushumna], which are names of the three nadis (Sanskrit for “tube” or “pipe”). In yoga, the nadis are channels for the flow of consciousness and can be stimulated through breathing techniques. Once the dairy-wife (the individual soul) has got the butter (pure consciousness, essence), the pot is of no further use to her.

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